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Friday, December 30, 2011

New Year Resolutions: 2012

New visitors! Welcome...

A new year has ended & a new year has begun, 2012. New year resolutions are needed to be built in my mind. Think, think, think...I've got it!

New Year Resolutions: 2012
1) Praise be to Allah S.W.T. for all that HE has given me.

2) Remember Allah S.W.T. through difficulties & easy-peasy.

3) Try to achieve more good deeds & less bad deeds.

4) Control my emotions.

5) Grade 12, important examinations...strive for success!

6) Stop wasting precious time on things that brings no benefit.


Sunday, December 25, 2011

Adapting to life in Canada

Ever since the day of my arrival in Canada, I have gone through many ups & downs. There were times where I was thrilled to be where here & times where I wished that I was back in Malaysia. I suppose you still do not understand where I am driving you to, correct? Explanations:

Cheers: a. I have been given a chance by Allah S.W.T. to experience life here, syukran!
b. Got an opportunity to further my studies overseas once again.

c. Managing to live a mature adult life.
d. Made new around the globe friends that are also studying here.
e. Searching for sustenance.

Frown: a. Miss my relatives, friends & ex-teachers in Malaysia.

b. Winter, chilling cold! Have to wear 3 layer clothing wherever I go.
c. Quite difficult to find 'HALAL' food here.
e. Hard to find Islam friends, hmm...
f. Nervous in attending Grade 12 & going through the types of subjects being taught.

Hopefully, Allah will guide me alongst the way.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Beginning to a brighter future

Firstly, I would like to apologise for the fact of not updating my blog for a very long while. It's just that I've been quite busy getting everything sorted out & making the surroundings a comfortable to live in that I haven't had the slightest amount of moment to visit my homepage.

A new beginning, a new adventure. An opportunity to live life overseas once again. Me pics from Malaysia to Canada.

1. Kepala Batas, Kedah, Malaysia

2. Shanghai Pudong International airport, China

3. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

t's not much but it's something Allah has blessed my family & I with. Alhamdulillah...

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Overseas once again!

Syukran! Allah has given my family & I an opportunity of a lifetime... Another chance to experience life overseas, this time to undergo the challenges of life in Vancouver, Canada. Think of what life will be like there, the four seasons I once experience back when I was in England is given another go, to experience the difference of what high school over there is like compared to the one that I've gone through in Malaysia, to go through the pressure of achieving excellent results in examinations that I'll be taking there (in other words, the A-Level examination), making new besties/friends & so on. I can barely wait for the moment... Last words => "Vancouver, here I come!".

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Sambung belajar di UIAM ^^ !

Tidak sabar rasanya! Akhir bulan ini aku diberi peluang untuk sambung belajar di UIAM, di mana aku akan mengambil program Diploma Pendidikan Awal Kanak-kanak. Beberapa minggu lepas, ada seorang kakak pelajar universiti sama yang bernama Nazirah daripada bekas sekolah menengahku berkata bahawa program tersebut memang pilihan terbaik buatku kerana ia mempunyai banyak kaitan dengan cita-cita aku masa hadapanku, banyak kelebihan yang boleh dicapai & yang membanggakan diriku, kakak tersebut pun mengambil program yang sama di lokasi tersebut. Alhamdulillah... Boleh kami saling berjumpa dari masa ke semasa.

Ini adalah pandangan lokasi tersebut:

Doakan aku agar aku dapat mencapai tahap siswazah, ya?
InsyaAllah, suatu hari nanti hamba Allah ini dapat mencapai impiannya. Amin!
Cemerlang, gemilang, terbilang!

Monday, September 19, 2011

IELTS Result

Recently I just got the news through a call that I could check my IELTS result online as one of my family members had just found out what my candidate number was after several days of forgetting it. Fear surrounded me immedietely!

After I hanged up the call, I did as I was told, which was to slowly type in for the Google webpage on my laptop in search for IELTS result. Whilst the page was loading I thought of ALLAH, asked from HIM to make my target a reality & kept on wishing in my mind 'bismillah'. 3 minutes afterwards, the page was fully-loaded, it contained of all the information that I had filled in back then. Slowly, with the mouse I moved the page downwards. By what I could see in front of my eyes, I felt proud of what I had achieved in my Listening & Reading test but I felt the exact opposite for my Writing & Speaking test. Was the reason I didn't manage to gain what I wanted because I was too nervous during the time that I took those two test or something??? Anyways this is my result =>

IELTS Result

Test Result
Listening 7.5
Reading 6.5
Writing 5.5
Speaking 5.5
Overall Band 6.5

Never mind, the past is the past. What I should focus now is on my future. Never look back as you've still got a long way to go Amy! If you get lost, you know ALLAH is always by your side guiding your every step. Just remember HIM & HE will remember you...

Friday, September 16, 2011

| 5 Alfa 2010's Reunion |

Assalamualikum & helo pelawat blogku,

Syukran alhamdulillah pada hari yang indah ini, kita semua masih bernyawa di bumi yang dikurniakan Illahi ^^ !

Aku tidak tahu apa kalian rasa pada hari ini tetapi buatku hari ini merupakan hari yang sungguh istimewa. Tentu sekali kalian teringin nak tahu kenapa kan? Ceritanya begini :

Pukul 11:48am --> Aku seperti biasa tengah mengemas rumah, menyusun barang di sini-sana bagi rumah nampak bersih & suci, tetiba aku telah menerima satu mesej (SMS) daripada seorang bekas rakan sekelas iaitu Amalina. Dia mengajak serta bertanya sama ada aku serta beberapa bekas rakan-rakan sekelasku yang lain free buat petang ini untuk menjalankan program reunion di KFC antara pukul 4:30pm-7:00pm. Aku pun selepas habis baca mesej yang dihantar olehnya, terus membalas secepat mungkin (punya le bersemangat, huhu...).

Selepas tugasku di kawasan rumah semua sudah tamat dalam pukul 4:15pm macam itu, aku pun lari dengan pantas ke destinasiku selanjutnya iaitu ke bilik air untuk freshen up bagi lega sikit badan (bina tenaga kembali), pakai baju berfesyen (perasan), make-up (hmm, konon) & selepas semua itu selesai dalam pukul 4:45pm, aku pun menuju ke arah destinasi bekas kelasku bertemu...

Ini adalah ceritanya secara ringkas & menarik :

Nampak seronok kan? Ini dikira sebagai kenangan manis diriku ^^ ! Harap-harap pada masa hadapan Allah akan memberi peluang kepada semua member-member kelas 5 Alfa 2010 untuk bertemu kembali, agar semua orang dapat hadir, dapat bertambah mesra :) !

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Petanda kita sudah jumpa jodoh

Salam & helo para pengikut,

pd mlm yg indh ini, aq ingin brkongsi dgn kalian beberpa petnda bhwa kta sudah jmpa jodoh. Sblum itu, apakh itu jodoh? Ada x sesape yg thu? Kmu, kmu! Ya, jodoh adalh perkra yg sudh dtetpkn oleh Allah yang Maha Esa. Tetpi bagaimna kta mengethui dia mmg dtkdirkn utk kta? Dua mnusia yg rsa mreka dpt hidup brsma & mmg djodohkn psti memiliki iktn emosi, spiritual & fizikal antra keduanya. Apabila brsma, masing2 dpt merasai kemnisn cinta & saling memerlukn antra stu sma lain. Lalu gerak hti mengatakn, dialh insn yg dtkdirkn utk brsma. Antra petndanya ialah :

a. brshja --> kekasih kta itu brsikp brshja & x brlakon.

b. senang brsma --> walaupun kta selalu brsmanya, x ada sedikit pun perasaan bosan/jemu/tertekan pd dri kta.

c. trima kta seadanya --> apapun kisah silam yg pernh kta lakukn, dia x ambil peduli.

d. sentiasa jujur --> dia x kisah apa yg kta lakuan aslkn x menyalahi hukum-hakam agama.

e. percya-mmpercayai --> stiap org mmpunyai rhsia trsendri. Adakalanya rhsia ini perlu dkongsi supaya dpt mengurangkn beban yg dtanggung.

f. senang bekerjasma --> bgi kta yg inginkn hubungan cinta brjya & kekal dlm jngka msa yg pnjng, kta & dia perlu saling bekerjasma melalui hidup ini.

g. memahmi dri kta

h. tmpilkn kelemhn

Syukran alhamdulillah Allah tlh tunjukkn kta ke jln yg benr utk mencri psangn kta ^^ !

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Happy Eid al-Mubarak!

Hi peeps! I would like to wish to all my Islamic followers & visitors 'Happy Eid al-Mubarak!'. May Allah bless us, his slaves, today & for always. Amin...

I guess many of you are having an awesome time back in your hometown. I sure am ^^ ! This year my family & I spent this particular special day on my father's side of the family. I got the chance to meet my grandparents, uncles, aunties & cousins again, woopee! The activies that went on from morning 'til evening were going to pray for Eid celebration day at the mosque back in my hometown, going to the graves of relatives that have passed away, going back to my grandparents' house to eat lemang + ketupat + rendang, eating more Malay dishes at home during my open house (burpppp! excuse me) & many more. We took many photo shots to keep as memories for the future. This was the first time that I actually enjoyed posing for the shoot, huhu...

Well, let's cut this story short, here were some of the pictures taken today :

Me -

My siblings & I -

The ones I treasure the most -

Say 'cheese' :D

Looking forward to Hari Raya Aidiladha later on ^^ !

Saturday, August 27, 2011

2 dalam 1

Tahun ini merupakan tahun yang sangat membanggakan buat seluruh rakyat Malaysia. Tahu tak kenapa? Ok, saya berikan petunjuk :

2 hari lagi --> Hari Raya Aidilfitri
3 hari lagi --> Hari Kemerdekaan ke-54

Khas buat semua pengikut & tetamu blog tercinta saya :

Puasa melatih menahan keinginan,
terawih melatih tabah lawan kelelahan,
tadarus melatih sabar lawan kemalasan,
ramadhan adalah hari pelatihan,
lebaran adalah saat kemenangan,
selamat merayakan hari lebaran,
mohon maafkan segala kesalahan.

Jangan lupa juga akan hari istimewa buat tanah air tersayang :

tiada lagi tangisan insan terseksa,
terkapai-kapai lemas mencari daratan,
berkorban jiwa pertahan negara,
penjajah durjana merampas segala.

54 tahun terdahulu,
stadium Merdeka menjadi saksi,
negaraku merdeka,
rakyatku tidak lagi sengsara,
menangis gembira mendapat cahaya.

tiada lagi penjajahan,
tiada lagi penderitaan,
tiada lagi jeritan penyiksaan,
tanah air ditadbir insan bijak bestari,
memimpin negara mengukir nama.

54 tahun sudah merdeka,
negaraku cemerlang, gemilang & terbilang,
burung berkicau bebas berterbangan,
menjadi tanda negaraku aman damai.

Maju berteknologi,
ke arah mencapai wawasan 2020,
kugenggam erat amanah pejuang tanah air,
pertahanlah kemerdekaan,
teruskanlah kemajuan disebalik tirai kemerdekaan,
sematkanlah semangat jiwa bangsa dilubuk hati,
semoga kekal selamanya.

Merdeka tetap merdeka ^^ !

Syukur alhamdulillah kepadaMu Illahi akan tahun yang begitu indah ini!